Category: Salvation (page 10 of 14)

The Watchtower Once Taught That There Are Four Degrees of Salvation–Two Heavenly and Two Earthly

Twisting Four Degrees of SalvationThe figurative fallacy means “either (1) mistaking literal language for figurative language or (2) mistaking figurative language for literal language.”[1]                   

The Watchtower has committed this error many times throughout its history. I will discuss two topics: (1) degrees of salvation and (2) the meaning of Jesus’ story about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).

I’ll discuss the first one this week and the second one next week. Continue reading

Steps to Salvation

15 Steps to SalvationWhat do we do if Jehovah’s Witnesses we talk with come to understand the biblical relationship between faith and works?

How do we explain to them the steps to salvation? Continue reading

What Are You Relying On?

14 What Are You Relying OnI think it’s important for us to make clear to Jehovah’s Witnesses that the relationship between faith and works is not just a matter of semantics.

We don’t all believe the same thing just using different terminology. Continue reading

Overcoming Misconceptions About Faith and Works

02 Overcoming MisconceptionsAs I pointed out in the previous post, Identifying Misconceptions About Faith and Works, when you tell Jehovah’s Witnesses that salvation comes by faith apart from works, they have three major misconceptions.

Today, we’ll look at how to overcome them. Continue reading

Identifying Misconceptions About Faith and Works

01 Identifying MisconceptionsWhen you tell Jehovah’s Witnesses that salvation comes by faith apart from works, they completely misunderstand what you are saying.

In order to overcome their misconceptions, we first need to identify them and realize why Witnesses have them. Continue reading

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