• Propaganda - The July 2017 Watchtower article, “Winning the Battle for Your Mind,” warns Jehovah’s Witnesses that Satan is attacking them with propaganda. It defines the term as “the use of biased or misleading information to manipulate the way people think and act.” It advises that Satan “uses his system of things to discourage Bible reading and study.” But look at what the Watchtower itself said on August 15, 1981... "
  • Wrong Expectations — Whose Responsibility? - The Watchtower has a video about wrong expectations. It’s told from the point of view of a Jehovah’s Witness who’s now a grandfather. He relates how hard it was for him when his wife died so young but that Jehovah and his fellow Witnesses saw him through it. Then it segues into another test of his faith. He wanted this old system of things to end, and some Witnesses started believing in a particular date (which the video doesn’t specify). Some Witnesses even sold their property and belongings in anticipation. But through his own Bible study and teachings at Watchtower meetings he realized that Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour. When the date came and went, he knew that his dedication was to Jehovah, not to a date. Some Witnesses left, but most remained loyal to Jehovah. But here’s what the video doesn’t tell you.