• Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Flag - The Watchtower teaches that it is wrong for a Christian to salute any nation’s flag. The 4th of July is a good occasion on which to examine this dogma.
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses and the National Anthem - We saw last time that the Watchtower forbids Jehovah’s Witnesses from saluting the flag of any nation. It also prohibits them from rising in response to the playing of the national anthem. Let’s look at its reasons and see how to respond.
  • Military Service: A Matter of Conscience - Often, Jehovah's Witnesses will sound you out on your attitude toward war. Their refusal to participate in anything connected with the military appeals to people’s longings for peace. How should we respond?
  • Military Service in the Gospels and Acts - In discussing military service, with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I recommend that you say something like this: “I would like to get your take on several New Testament Scriptures that do address the subject of whether it is possible to follow Christ and still serve in the armed forces.”
  • Military Service: Answering Watchtower Proof Texts - In discussing military service, Jehovah’s Witnesses will acknowledge that Jehovah directed Israel to engage in numerous wars in the Old Testament, but they will tell you that God’s arrangement has changed in the Christian era. In support of this contention, they often quote a number of Scriptures. Let's look at them and see how to respond.