15 Steps to SalvationWhat do we do if Jehovah’s Witnesses we talk with come to understand the biblical relationship between faith and works?

How do we explain to them the steps to salvation?

In my last post, What Are You Relying On?, I stated:

People who rely on faith plus works for their salvation are not relying on Christ. They are really relying on themselves—trusting in themselves and in their efforts or in their standing with an organization run by fallible men.

All that misplaced reliance produces is condemnation, not salvation.

It is only when we humble ourselves, give up on ourselves and on everything else, and trust in Christ’s sacrifice alone that God saves us.

So the key to our salvation is reliance on Christ and Christ alone—trusting in his righteousness we receive as a gift rather than in our own righteous which we generate by our works.

After your discussions regarding faith and works, here is a good diagnostic question you can ask Jehovah’s Witnesses:

“If Jehovah were to speak to you tonight and give you an opportunity to make a case to him as to why you are worthy of everlasting life, what would you tell him?

“Would you say, ‘Because I am not immoral like people of Christendom and because I do good works—especially door-to-door witnessing’?

“That answer is nothing but self-exaltation.

“Or would you say to Jehovah, ‘Because I have received as a free gift the righteousness that comes by faith in Jesus’ sacrifice’?

“That answer is the way of salvation.”

Because of the Watchtower’s continual focus on works, many Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-Jehovah’s witnesses I’ve talk to feel depressed and guilty—maybe even worthless.

Perhaps this describes the Witnesses you talk with as well.

They know in their heart how stringent God’s righteous standards are and no matter how many works they do, they can’t get there.

They can’t even get close.

Make sure they understand that none of us can get there no matter how hard we try.

God wants us to acknowledge that.

Let them know that the good news is the once they reach the end of themselves and all their efforts that are never good enough, then they are ready to receive Jehovah’s salvation as a free gift.

If any of the Witnesses you talk with are ready to take that step, here is what I recommend that you tell them:

  • Give up on yourself and all your striving.
  • Pray and admit to Jehovah that you’re a hopeless failure.
  • Now rejoice! Jehovah knows that and he loves you anyway!
  • Jesus knows that and he loves you anyway!
  • In fact, knowing you were a hopeless sinner, he died to save
  • Romans 5:8: “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
  • By faith, ask God to forgive your sins and transform you.
  • Then trust he has done it for you because that’s what he promised to do.

Be willing to help them and to answer any questions they may have.

If you succeed in leading one or more Witnesses through that process, please send me an email through this website and let me know.

If you would like to talk things over, ask questions, or get help, feel free to email me about that as well.

I hope you have found this series about faith and works to be helpful and that you will be successful in leading many Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses to saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.