Category: Witnessing Tips (page 13 of 29)

Ask Witnesses to Read Scriptures Aloud

21 JWs Read ScripturesWhen you are about to discuss a passage of Scripture with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I recommend that you first ask them to read the verse or verses aloud from their Bibles.

If the passage is a long one, review it with them in smaller, more manageable segments rather than getting lost trying to analyze a lengthy passage all at once.

I’m not saying you should never do some of the reading yourself, but it’s best to have them do it as often as possible—especially with passages that are critical to the topic you are discussing.

Why do I recommend that you have them do the reading?

Let’s look at the alternatives. Continue reading

Pin Them Down

20 PinGood investigators know that before you confront a witness with an inconsistency, you first have to pin them down to their basic story.

Otherwise, they just wriggle off the hook.

A similar principle applies in getting through to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

Emulate Columbo

19 ColumboRemember Lieutenant Columbo, the TV homicide detective played by Peter Falk?

Because his questions were presented as efforts to clear up various points rather than as accusations, he never came across as threatening.

In fact, at times he was self-deprecating. He would say things like, “I’m sorry, but little things like this bother me. I can’t get them out of my mind.”

Because of his soft non-threating manner, suspects tried hard to give him answers, hoping he would finally be satisfied with their explanations.

He would back off for a while, but inevitably some new inconsistency puzzled him and he asked for further help resolving that problem as well.

In order to avoid triggering the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ persecution mindset when you challenge Watchtower dogma by voicing questions they would never dare or even think to ask, I recommend that you emulate Columbo’s non-threatening manner.

Here are some examples of how this can be done (I’ll highlight the “Columbo” language). Continue reading

Turning the Tables

18 Turn the tablesMany times you can use a combination of witnessing techniques.

Here’s an example of how you can combine taking the wind out of their sails with Student Role Teaching to turn the tables when discussing the biblical relationship of faith and works. Continue reading

Take the Wind Out of Their Sails

17 Wind SailsIn last week’s post, I recommended that you get Jehovah’s Witnesses out of their prepared Watchtower presentations by approaching Bible topics in ways they won’t expect.

One way to do that is to take the wind out of their sails by bringing up some of their standard arguments before they do and agreeing with the amount of truth that’s contained in them.

Then move past that to share your main points with them.

Let me give an example from my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways. Continue reading

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