Category: Faith and Works (page 4 of 5)

Why Born Again People Still Sin

10 Why do we SinIn the previous post entitled Whose Works—God’s or Ours?, I talked about how to get across to Jehovah’s Witnesses the concept that salvation requires a new birth where God transforms us from the inside out.

In response to our claim, a Jehovah’s Witness might reasonably ask, “If the new birth is really an inner transformation that gives people Christ’s righteousness, why don’t born-again people walk in sinless perfection?”

In other words, “Why do supposedly born-again people still sin?” Continue reading

Whose Works — God’s or Ours?

09 God's Works or OursLast time, we examined Ephesians 2:8-10 verse-by-verse.

This time, we’ll examine the same passage as a unit to see the interplay between God’s work and ours. Continue reading

The Sequence of Faith and Works

08 SequenceEphesians 2:8-10 is another great Pauline passage to show the proper relationship between faith and works. Continue reading

King David on Faith and Works

07 King DavidIn Romans 4:6-8, Paul cites King David’s words in Psalm 32:1-2 as Old Testament support for his teaching that salvation comes by faith apart from works.

Here’s how I recommend you discuss that with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

Declaring an Ungodly Man Righteous

06 Righteousness for the UngodlyRomans 4:-4-5 contains the heart of Paul’s teaching about faith and works.

Here’s how I recommend you discuss that passage with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

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