Category: End Times (page 8 of 11)

The Watchtower Once Taught That There Are Four Degrees of Salvation–Two Heavenly and Two Earthly

Twisting Four Degrees of SalvationThe figurative fallacy means “either (1) mistaking literal language for figurative language or (2) mistaking figurative language for literal language.”[1]                   

The Watchtower has committed this error many times throughout its history. I will discuss two topics: (1) degrees of salvation and (2) the meaning of Jesus’ story about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31).

I’ll discuss the first one this week and the second one next week. Continue reading

The Watchtower Collapses Contexts

Twisting Collapsing ContextUsing a reductio ad absurdum, Walter Martin demonstrated how, by collapsing contexts, we can make the Bible seem to teach anything:

  • Matthew 27:5: “[Judas]… went and hanged himself.”
  • Luke 10:37: “You go, and do likewise.”
  • John 13:27: “What you are going to do, do quickly.”

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Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Fear of Armageddon

310 Jehovah's Witnesses' Fear of ArmageddonThe Watchtower does not believe in everlasting torment. “Many have striven to be pious out of fear of hellfire,” it says, “but God does not want you to serve him because you are terrified of him.”[1]

However, many former members have related on online forums that as Jehovah’s Witnesses they were terrified by constant Watchtower teaching about Armageddon. Continue reading

Challenging 1914 From Watchtower Literature

1914 from WT literatureThe Watchtower claims that the “Gentile Times” ended and Jesus received rulership authority from Jehovah in 1914.

The 1914 date is critical to the Watchtower’s claim that its leadership is the “faithful and discreet slave” spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:45.

Here’s how to challenge the Watchtower’s chronology using only Watchtower literature. Continue reading

Challenging 1914 from the Bible

1914 from BibleThe Watchtower claims that the “Gentile Times” ended and Jesus received rulership authority from Jehovah in 1914.

It would be hard to overstate the importance of this assertion to the Watchtower’s claim to be Jehovah’s one true organization on the earth today.

The 1914 date is critical to the Watchtower’s claim that its leadership is the “faithful and discreet slave” spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:45.

Where did they get this date and how can we refute it? Continue reading

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