Category: Witnessing Tips (page 11 of 29)

The Effective Use of Silence

31 SilenceSeveral times, I have had to learn lessons about witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses the hard way.

The effective use of silence is one of them. Continue reading

Using the Kingdom Interlinear Translation

30 KITThe Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures is a Watchtower book that’s available free on its website.

Essentially, it’s the Wescott-Hort interlinear New Testament with the Greek words on the bottom line and the English equivalents above it.

Even if you don’t know Greek, you can sometimes use this resource to give Jehovah’s Witnesses reason to question the Watchtower’s rendering of important texts in its New World Translation.

Here are some examples of how this can be done. Continue reading

Dealing with the Watchtower’s New World Translation

29 NWTAlthough Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t object to you using your favorite version of the Bible, the only one they really trust is the Watchtower’s New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT).

Despite the fact that Witnesses consider the Watchtower version to be the most accurate translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts, many times the verses have been rewritten to support Watchtower doctrines.

As Christians who are trying to get through to Jehovah’s Witnesses, we need to know how to deal with this reality.

In my opinion, there are four strategies you can use to do this successfully. Continue reading

Discussing Long Bible Passages

28 Long PassagesIn order to get through to Jehovah’s Witnesses on some points, it’s necessary to discuss some fairly long Bible passages with them. This is particularly so when we need to show Witnesses the full context of some of their favorite proof texts.

The problem is that trying to discuss dozens of verses in one group doesn’t work.

As I said in a previous post, “If the passage is a long one, review it with them in smaller, more manageable segments rather than getting lost trying to analyze a lengthy passage all at once.” In my experience, to be manageable, the segments should contain no more than 3 or 4 verses each.

This is best explained with an example. Continue reading

Challenging Watchtower Assumptions

27 Challenge WT AssumptionsJehovah’s Witnesses aren’t allowed to question the Watchtower’s doctrines and assumptions.

Because of this, we have to do it for them.

As we do so, we have to walk a fine line so as not to come across as antagonistic. The best way to do this is as students who are seeking to understand the details of Watchtower teachings.

Here are two examples of how to do this. Continue reading

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