Category: Resources (page 3 of 6)

My Book Is Now Available on Amazon!

Kindle book coverI have many more “soundbite” articles to share with you, but I am pausing the series to announce that my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways has just been made available on Amazon!

The paperback edition is available for $14.99; the Kindle edition is available for $9.99. If you order the paperback, you can get the Kindle version free under Amazon’s Matchbook program.

Just use this link Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways. Continue reading

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ron Rhodes


This book concentrates primarily on witnessing techniques rather than on doctrine. Written to complement his 1993 book discussed below, 13 of the 20 chapters of the book consist of simulated conversations between Rhodes and a Jehovah’s Witness.

Rather than giving thorough explanations of the doctrinal differences, Rhodes refers the reader to pages in his 1993 book for additional information.

The book is structured as follows: Continue reading

Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses with Questions by Philip DelRe


Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses with Questions is a 35-page booklet rather than a full-length book. The author explains why in the Preface (p. 5): “We chose to present this material in booklet form since most people will not read a 300 or 400 page theologically technical book on Jehovah’s Witnesses. So we made this a quick, easy to use resource.”

DelRe’s booklet has the following structure: Continue reading

Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron


In his 1983 book, Crisis of Conscience, Ray Franz stated his belief that members of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Governing Body are “captives of a concept.” By that, he meant the concept that the Watchtower organization is a separate entity, “bigger and grander than themselves.” (p. 296) “Perhaps because of this illusory view of ‘the organization,’” Franz said, “a man can be a Member of such a Body that has virtually unrestricted power and authority, and yet not feel a keen sense of personal responsibility for what the Body does, for whatever hurt or whatever misleading and consequent misdirection results.”

Cameron, a former Watchtower elder, picks up on the phrase, but he means something different by it. He focuses, not on the Governing Body, but on the average Jehovah’s Witness.

He says, “The concept that holds Jehovah’s Witnesses captive is their belief that the Watchtower Society is God’s organization.” (p. 11). He adds, “This concept blocks Jehovah’s Witnesses from noticing anything wrong no matter how wrong it is. And in case anyone does think they notice something wrong, they are warned that they must never try to do anything about it, but simply wait for God to do something about it, because, after all, ‘It is his organization…’” (p. 13)

The key to Cameron’s approach is to show Jehovah’s Witnesses that the Watchtower is not God’s organization through a study of the history of the organization and applying the Watchtower’s own criteria.

The book contains the following chapters: Continue reading

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Jehovah’s Witness by Ron Rhodes


This 128-page paperback was written to complement Rhodes’ 1993 book, Reasoning From the Scriptures With the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which I reviewed in an earlier blog article in this series.

It is doctrinal in focus and, in length, “short on purpose.” Organized into 10 primary points the reader should make to Witnesses, each chapter contrasts Watchtower errors with the biblical position and suggests a relatively small number of questions and points which the reader can present to Witnesses to challenge Watchtower teachings.

A final “Digging Deeper” paragraph ends each chapter by citing pages in Rhodes’ 1993 book where the reader can find more information.

According to Rhodes, the 10 most important things you need to get across to a Jehovah’s Witness are as follows: Continue reading

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