Category: Watchtower Signature Issues (page 11 of 12)

Where Do Governments Get Their Authority?

Government AuthorityThe Watchtower teaches that all earthly governments are controlled by Satan. Continue reading

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the National Anthem

National AnthemWe saw last time that the Watchtower forbids Jehovah’s Witnesses from saluting the flag of any nation.

It also prohibits them from rising in response to the playing of the national anthem.

Let’s look at its reasons and see how to respond. Continue reading

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Flag

American FlagThe Watchtower teaches that it is wrong for a Christian to salute any nation’s flag. The 4th of July is a good occasion on which to examine this dogma. Continue reading

Are Holidays Evil?

christmas-tree-clip-art-LTKdEy5TaThe Watchtower prohibits Jehovah’s Witnesses from celebrating holidays because of their supposed pagan origins and because Jesus said that his followers are no part of the world (John 15:19).

Want specifics? Here’s what the Watchtower book Reasoning from the Scriptures has to say: Continue reading

Is It Wrong to Celebrate Birthdays?

birthday-1008396_1280The Watchtower prohibits Jehovah’s Witnesses from celebrating birthdays. Witness children are not allowed to attend birthday parties of non-Witness friends, nor are they allowed to give or receive birthday presents or cards.

I wouldn’t raise this issue for discussion because it’s not a salvation matter. However, if Witnesses insist on talking about it, I recommend that you show them from the Scriptures that what days a Christian does or does not celebrate is a matter for the individual’s conscience, not for organizational rule-making. Continue reading

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