Category: Name of God (page 3 of 4)

The Watchtower Asserts Without Citing

Twisting Saying without Citing“Saying but not citing” is an error in which “a writer says that the Bible says such and such but does not cite the specific text (which often indicates that there may be no such text at all).”[1]    

The Watchtower commits this error frequently. This allows them to imply that they are just teaching what the Bible teaches, when in fact the Bible provides little or no support for their teaching.

Here are four examples from Watchtower literature: Continue reading

The Watchtower’s Twisted Translation Regarding “Jehovah”

Twisting Translation JehovahAs I noted in the previous post, “twisted translation” can be defined as follows: “The biblical text is retranslated, not in accordance with sound Greek scholarship, to fit the preconceived teachings of a cult.”[1]

Last time, I looked at two of its mistranslations with regard to the identity of Jesus.

Today, I’m going to look at the fact that the Watchtower has inserted the name “Jehovah” into the New World Translation of the New Testament 237 times, despite the fact that the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) does not appear in any existing Greek New Testament manuscript. Continue reading

The Watchtower’s Twisted Translation Regarding Jesus

Twisting Translation Jesus“Twisted translation” can be defined as follows: “The biblical text is retranslated, not in accordance with sound Greek scholarship, to fit the preconceived teachings of a cult.”[1]    

The Watchtower publishes its own version of the Bible, calling it “New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.” Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it to be the best translation of the Bible available. It is the only one they will really trust.

Unfortunately, key passages have been mistranslated in order to support Watchtower theology. Continue reading

Exalting the Name of Jesus

Name of JesusWhen discussing with Witnesses the importance of the name “Jehovah,” you can use soundbites to build a positive case for the fact that the name the New Testament exalts most highly is “Jesus.” Continue reading

Must We Call God “Jehovah” in Order to Have Intimacy with Him?

TetragrammatonThe Watchtower insists that we must use the name “Jehovah” in order to have an intimate relationship with God.

It states: “In replacing God’s name with titles, Bible translators make a serious mistake. They make God seem remote and impersonal, whereas the Bible urges humans to cultivate ‘intimacy with Jehovah.’ (Psalms 25:14) Think of an intimate friend of yours. How close would you really be if you never learned your friend’s name? Similarly, when people are kept in ignorance about God’s name, Jehovah, how can they become truly close to God?”[i]

Here’s how to answer them. Continue reading

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