Category: The Nature of God (page 8 of 9)

The Trinity Is Not Unfathomable

Trinity ChartOften, no matter how well you define or explain the Trinity, the Witnesses are likely to shake their heads and tell you that what you’re saying is self-contradictory or at least that it makes no sense.

The Watchtower has trained them to believe this.

It claims that Christendom’s teaching that God is a Trinity misrepresents him, making him appear “unfathomable”[1] and “impossible to understand.”[2]

Let’s look at a memorable way to counter this. Continue reading

Explaining the Trinity

Trinity ChartOne day a friend who is a former Jehovah’s Witness asked me to explain the Trinity.

We were going to part in about 10 minutes, and I burst out laughing.

My immediate thought was, “How in the world can anyone explain such a complex concept in so short a time?”

Then I gave it my best shot anyway and did a fairly decent job.

Later I realized that it would be wise for Christians to prepare a soundbite explanation of the basics of the Trinity in order to be able to give Witnesses a solid and memorable framework for further discussions. Continue reading

Who Is the Creator?

CreatorThe Watchtower teaches that only the Father is Jehovah God.

Examined side-by-side, two passages of scripture challenge this theology. Continue reading

Section 3: Discussing the Nature of God

Kindle book coverLast time, I gave you brief descriptions of what’s in each of the six chapters of Section 2 of my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways.

Now I’d like to give you a preview of Section 3. This section focus on how to get across to Jehovah’s Witnesses the nature of God, specifically the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Here are short summaries of what each of those chapters includes: Continue reading

Jesus Isn’t Michael: Jesus is Greater than Any Angel

jesus-is-greater-than-any-angelIn claiming that Jesus Christ is also Michael the Archangel, the Watchtower ignores the fact that the book of Hebrews clearly teaches that Jesus is not one of the angels but is superior to them.

I recommend that you ask the Witnesses to look at these passage with you one-by-one. Continue reading

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