Tag: Matthew 15:6

Think Like a Jehovah’s Witness

11 Think like JWIn order to get through to Jehovah’s Witnesses, we need to learn to think like a Jehovah’s Witness thinks.

I don’t mean we need to agree with them. I mean we need to understand them.

We need to know what they believe and why.

We need to understand what will put them at ease and what will arouse opposition.

We need to understand how our words might be misconstrued so we can avoid those pitfalls. Continue reading

Did Jesus Call God “Jehovah” in Public?

Jesus Confronting PhariseesThe Watchtower argues as follows:

Jesus declared in prayer to his Father: “I have made your name known… and will make it known.” (John 17:26) Jesus would undoubtedly have pronounced God’s name on numerous occasions when he read, quoted, or explained portions of the Hebrew Scriptures containing that important name. Jesus would thus have used God’s name just as freely as all the prophets did before him. If any Jews were already avoiding the use of God’s name during the time of Jesus’ ministry, Jesus would certainly not have followed their tradition. He strongly criticized the religious leaders when he said to them: “You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition.—Matthew 15:6.”[1]

Let’s come up with some soundbite responses. Continue reading

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