Tag: Luke 12:32

Challenging Watchtower Assumptions

27 Challenge WT AssumptionsJehovah’s Witnesses aren’t allowed to question the Watchtower’s doctrines and assumptions.

Because of this, we have to do it for them.

As we do so, we have to walk a fine line so as not to come across as antagonistic. The best way to do this is as students who are seeking to understand the details of Watchtower teachings.

Here are two examples of how to do this. Continue reading

Using Statements Followed by Questions

23 Statements Followed by QuestionsWhen I recommend Student Role Teaching, you may be asking, “Are you saying I should never tell Jehovah’s Witnesses what I believe and why?”

No, sometimes you have to do that in order to get your point across.

But if you aren’t careful, you will come across as trying to take over their “rightful” role as teachers. You’ll arouse opposition, and the Witnesses may decide to stop meeting with you. That’s bad—you want to get through to them, not to drive them away.

So what can you do?

Follow your statements immediately with questions asking the Witnesses for their input.

There are a number of phrases that I’ve found helpful in doing this. Continue reading

Emulate Columbo

19 ColumboRemember Lieutenant Columbo, the TV homicide detective played by Peter Falk?

Because his questions were presented as efforts to clear up various points rather than as accusations, he never came across as threatening.

In fact, at times he was self-deprecating. He would say things like, “I’m sorry, but little things like this bother me. I can’t get them out of my mind.”

Because of his soft non-threating manner, suspects tried hard to give him answers, hoping he would finally be satisfied with their explanations.

He would back off for a while, but inevitably some new inconsistency puzzled him and he asked for further help resolving that problem as well.

In order to avoid triggering the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ persecution mindset when you challenge Watchtower dogma by voicing questions they would never dare or even think to ask, I recommend that you emulate Columbo’s non-threatening manner.

Here are some examples of how this can be done (I’ll highlight the “Columbo” language). Continue reading

Refuting Watchtower Arguments: “Only a Little Flock Will Go to Heaven”

144,000 in heaven bIn order to show you that there are two classes, Jehovah’s Witnesses will have you read Luke 12:32, where Jesus says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Then they will take you immediately to Revelation 7:4, which says, “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” Continue reading

God Has Only One Flock, Not Two

Flock of sheepThe Watchtower teaches a two-class salvation system. It says there’s a “little flock” (Luke 12:32) of 144,000 anointed Christians who will be resurrected in spirit form and rule with Jesus from heaven. These are the ones who are “born again.” Then there’s the great crowd of “other sheep.” They don’t need to be born again. They will never go to heaven but instead will live forever in paradise on earth.

One way to challenge this dogma is to ask the Witnesses about Scripture passages which show that Jesus’ invitation and promises are for everyone who will receive him, not just a select group of 144,000. Tell them you would like to look at them together so they can give their response to them. Continue reading

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