Tag: John 10:16

God Has Only One Flock, Not Two

Flock of sheepThe Watchtower teaches a two-class salvation system. It says there’s a “little flock” (Luke 12:32) of 144,000 anointed Christians who will be resurrected in spirit form and rule with Jesus from heaven. These are the ones who are “born again.” Then there’s the great crowd of “other sheep.” They don’t need to be born again. They will never go to heaven but instead will live forever in paradise on earth.

One way to challenge this dogma is to ask the Witnesses about Scripture passages which show that Jesus’ invitation and promises are for everyone who will receive him, not just a select group of 144,000. Tell them you would like to look at them together so they can give their response to them. Continue reading

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Organizational Mindset: The Only Way to Salvation

mindset-4-only-wayIn this series, we are examining four specific Watchtower claims which all sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses believe.  

 Watchtower Claim #3: The Watchtower organization is the only way to salvation

On its website, the Watchtower denies that it believes that only Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved.[1] In one sense this is true, because Watchtower teaching is that people who die before God’s impending judgment day of Armageddon without an adequate opportunity to learn “the truth” will be resurrected and given a chance to learn it during the coming 1000-year reign of Christ. However, that statement is misleading in three ways. Continue reading

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Organizational Mindset: God’s Sole Channel

mindset-2-gods-sole-channelHaving convinced Jehovah’s Witnesses that it is the only organization on earth that God is using, the Watchtower makes 4 specific claims. Unless they are harboring secret doubts, the Jehovah’s Witnesses who come to your door are convinced that they are true:

  1. The Watchtower Society is God’s sole channel of communication to mankind.
  2. Only the Watchtower can properly interpret the Bible.
  3. The Watchtower organization is the only path to salvation.
  4. All other religious organizations are false and satanic.

I will devote one post to each of these claims.

Watchtower Claim #1: The Watchtower Society is God’s sole channel of communication to mankind.

Continue reading

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