Category: Watchtower Organization Issues (page 16 of 22)

Watchtower “Privileges”

103 Watchtower privilegesAs we consider how to relate to Jehovah’s Witnesses and how to get through to them, it’s important for us to understand the legalistic society that is the Watchtower religion—specifically, the degree to which local elders exercise control over the Witnesses in their congregation. Continue reading

The Watchtower Judicial System

102 WT judicial systemAs we consider how to get through to Jehovah’s Witnesses with the real gospel, I think it’s important for us as Christians to understand what it’s like for Witnesses to live under the Watchtower’s judicial system.

I don’t think the Watchtower truly understands the radical difference between the Old Testament and the New. It doesn’t believe that people become Christians by being born again, having the Holy Spirit indwell them, being transformed from the inside out, living by grace and the spirit.

Rather, it sees the New Testament as a modification of the Old Testament law system in which the Christian community has replaced the nation of Israel as “Jehovah’s organization.” Accordingly, I believe that what the Watchtower has become is essentially an Old Testament religion with a Christian veneer. Continue reading

The Watchtower’s Authoritarian “Theocratic” Structure

101 WT Authoritarian TheocraticToday we begin an examination of the Watchtower Society’s law system—that is, its rules and enforcement system. Continue reading

Why Study Galatians with Jehovah’s Witnesses?

I recommend that you try to get the Witnesses to lead you in a study of the New Testament book of Galatians. Why that particular book? Continue reading

What If They Refuse?

Previously, I have discussed the advantages of having a genuine Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses—that is a verse-by-verse study of an actual book of the Bible rather than a Watchtower publication.

Why might Witnesses refuse to participate in such a study? First, they have never been taught how to do it. Second, the Watchtower teaches that no one can properly understand the Bible without the Watchtower organization to explain it to them.

So what do you do if the Witnesses flatly refuse to agree to an inductive study using the Bible alone? Continue reading

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