Month: November 2016

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Love: Communicate Effectively

Communicate word cloud



If you aren’t careful, conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses can go around and around in circles where nothing is accomplished and no one really hears what the other party is saying.

Here are 5 suggestions for communicating effectively with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Love: Build Bridges


Love isn’t just a witnessing technique. It needs to be a way of life. Part of extending this type of love is building relational bridges.

I’m not suggesting that you pretend to agree with erroneous Watchtower teachings or water down the gospel message. I am saying that you must see and treat Jehovah’s Witnesses as people for whom Christ died, as people whom he loves and to whom he is offering salvation.

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Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Love: Prepare Your Mind

bible-431483_1280Jehovah’s Witnesses have been trained in how to present what they believe and answer common objections. In order to witness to them effectively, you need to make sure you are prepared as well.

Here are 4 important steps to take as you prepare to witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Love: Prepare Your Heart

Sharing the gospel with Jehovah’s Witnesses is often like a battle. I’m not talking about fighting the people. I’m talking about spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12). Before you start, you need to make sure you have prepared your heart for the encounter.

Here are 3 recommendations for your preparation. Continue reading

Jesus Isn’t Michael: Jesus is Greater than Any Angel

jesus-is-greater-than-any-angelIn claiming that Jesus Christ is also Michael the Archangel, the Watchtower ignores the fact that the book of Hebrews clearly teaches that Jesus is not one of the angels but is superior to them.

I recommend that you ask the Witnesses to look at these passage with you one-by-one. Continue reading

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