Tag: Romans 3:23

Can We Be Christians Without Being Born Again?

When I first became a Christian, someone joked with me about what it must have been like to be one of the younger children of Mary and Joseph, constantly being asked, “Why can’t you be more like your older brother?”

The Watchtower states, “Today, there are more than six million Witnesses of Jehovah who…make every effort to ‘walk worthy of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him,’ applying his standards in every aspect of their lives.” (The Watchtower, “Stirred by ‘the Magnificent Things of God’”, 8/1/2002, p. 17)

My question would be, “How are you coming with that?” Continue reading

Did Jesus Die for ADAM’S Sin Or Ours Also?

We move in our series from Watchtower misconceptions regarding Jesus’ earthly ministry to its misconceptions about Jesus and salvation.

If you ask Jehovah’s Witnesses to explain their understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice, most of them will focus on Adam’s sin rather than on their own sins. Continue reading

Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses with Questions by Philip DelRe


Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses with Questions is a 35-page booklet rather than a full-length book. The author explains why in the Preface (p. 5): “We chose to present this material in booklet form since most people will not read a 300 or 400 page theologically technical book on Jehovah’s Witnesses. So we made this a quick, easy to use resource.”

DelRe’s booklet has the following structure: Continue reading

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