Last week, we looked at verses which show that the Holy Spirit speaks using first person singular pronouns.
Today, we look at further Bible evidence that the Holy Spirit is a person. Continue reading
Last week, we looked at verses which show that the Holy Spirit speaks using first person singular pronouns.
Today, we look at further Bible evidence that the Holy Spirit is a person. Continue reading
One day a friend who is a former Jehovah’s Witness asked me to explain the Trinity.
We were going to part in about 10 minutes, and I burst out laughing.
My immediate thought was, “How in the world can anyone explain such a complex concept in so short a time?”
Then I gave it my best shot anyway and did a fairly decent job.
Later I realized that it would be wise for Christians to prepare a soundbite explanation of the basics of the Trinity in order to be able to give Witnesses a solid and memorable framework for further discussions. Continue reading
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