Category: Witnessing Tips (page 9 of 29)

Helping People Who Are Studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses

41 StudyingKeep your eyes and ears open.

You may already know people who are not baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses but who are studying with them. Perhaps they are members of your family or personal friends. Or maybe you have a friend who is deeply concerned because a loved one has gotten involved in a Watchtower book study.

What can you do to help? Continue reading

Helping Inactive Jehovah’s Witnesses

40 InactiveReaching out to people with a Watchtower background whom you already know can expand your witnessing opportunities in another way.

If you wait for Jehovah’s Witnesses to knock on your door, the only ones you will encounter are the ones who are active in the field service ministry. But some Witnesses are relatively inactive, attending meetings sporadically and rarely, if ever, going door-to-door.

If you are going to help them, you’ll need to try to find out why they are inactive rather than making assumptions that may be completely wrong. Continue reading

Helping Jehovah’s Witness Children

39 JW ChildrenSpecial considerations apply when we are dealing with Jehovah’s Witness children.

By “children,” I mean any minors who are still under the authority of their parents. Continue reading

Internet Outreach

38 InternetA fruitful area for expanding your witnessing opportunities to Jehovah’s Witnesses is internet outreach.

Social media such as Facebook have online discussion groups involving Witnesses and ex-Witnesses. In addition, there are now support groups online for ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses and for current Jehovah’s Witnesses who suspect something is wrong with the Watchtower and are looking for answers.

These are good places to learn about how Jehovah’s Witnesses think and feel and read about people’s struggles within the Watchtower organization. Continue reading

Going to a Kingdom Hall

37 Going to KHOne way to take the initiative in connecting with Jehovah’s Witnesses is to attend one or more meetings at their nearest Kingdom Hall (that’s the Watchtower version of a church building).

I would recommend this only if you have developed some experience and proficiency at witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

If you are interested in trying this, let me offer you several suggestions. Continue reading

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