Category: Watchtower Organization Issues (page 15 of 22)

Disfellowshiping Offenses

108 Disfellowshiping offensesThe Watchtower elders’ manual, Shepherd the Flock of God, 2019 edition, Section 12, contains a long list of “offenses that may require review by a judicial committee. Of course, this list is not comprehensive. There may be other matters that would also merit the attention of a judicial committee.” (12:2)

I will list them for you, along with the subparagraphs within Section 12 where they can be found. Then I’ll make specific comments regarding a few of them. Continue reading

How Disfellowshiping Works

107 DisfellowshipingDisfellowshipping is the ultimate penalty Watchtower elders can impose. The person is no longer a Jehovah’s Witness. He or she has been removed from peaceful relations with Jehovah God. It is considered the equivalent of a spiritual death sentence because “outside of God’s moral organization there is no everlasting life.” Continue reading

Public Reproof

106 Public reproofIn the Watchtower’s judicial system, when do the elders reprove a person privately and when is the reproof to be public?

If the reproof is public, who is notified and how much are they told? Continue reading

Private Reproof

105 Private reproofIn the Watchtower system, if the elders form a judicial committee and have a hearing which establishes serious wrongdoing on the part of a Jehovah’s Witness in their congregation, they have to decide what sanction to impose. They have three options: private reproof, public reproof, or disfellowshipping. Continue reading


104 MarkingNot believing that the ordinary Christian is supposed to live in response to the promptings of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Watchtower controls Jehovah’s Witnesses from the top down by means of rules and enforcement systems.

One of the disciplinary methods it employs is known as “marking.”

What is “marking,” and how is it done? Continue reading

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