Category: Salvation (page 14 of 14)

The Inner Struggle of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Attempting the Impossible

Impossible equationNothing is as stressful as trying to do something that simply cannot be done, especially when you think that your eternal life depends on it. This is the situation in which the Watchtower places Jehovah’s Witnesses. Continue reading

The Inner Struggle of Jehovah’s Witnesses: The Treadmill

TreadmillThe Watchtower’s emphasis on proving worthy keeps Jehovah’s Witnesses on a never-ending treadmill of works, continually uncertain of where they stand with Jehovah and fearful that they will be judged to have fallen short. Continue reading

The Inner Struggle of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Fearing They Won’t Prove Worthy

It is ironic and tragic that Jehovah’s Witnesses come to our doors to tell us about God’s wonderful promise concerning how we can live forever in paradise on earth, yet they have no assurance at all that they themselves will be there. Continue reading

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Organizational Mindset: The Only Way to Salvation

mindset-4-only-wayIn this series, we are examining four specific Watchtower claims which all sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses believe.  

 Watchtower Claim #3: The Watchtower organization is the only way to salvation

On its website, the Watchtower denies that it believes that only Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved.[1] In one sense this is true, because Watchtower teaching is that people who die before God’s impending judgment day of Armageddon without an adequate opportunity to learn “the truth” will be resurrected and given a chance to learn it during the coming 1000-year reign of Christ. However, that statement is misleading in three ways. Continue reading

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