Category: Salvation (page 13 of 14)

Differences Between the Watchtower’s Two Classes

ChasmIn previous articles, I described the Watchtower’s two-class salvation system. Today I want to set out a number of differences between the two classes (according to Watchtower teaching; note: individual Jehovah’s Witnesses may not be aware of all of these teachings). Continue reading

The Watchtower’s Two Class Salvation System

bunk beds 2In a previous blog article entitled, “The Lure of Hidden Knowledge,” I explained some of the psychological barriers we face in getting through to Jehovah’s Witnesses and offered suggestions for overcoming them.

In discussing “hidden knowledge,” I cited the Watchtower’s unique beliefs about the 144,000 and the “great crowd.”

Today I’m embarking on a series of articles explaining these beliefs, discussing their significance, and suggesting ways to discuss these matters with Jehovah’s Witnesses in our efforts to get through to them with the real gospel. Continue reading

Biblical Salvation: Righteousness from God to Save Us from Our Selves

Salvation - Dead spirit transformedAccording to the Bible, in addition to needing forgiveness to save us from the penalty of sin, we also need to be from the power of sin that controls us. We are born spiritually dead, a condition we inherited as descendants of Adam. Self-improvement plans cannot make us righteous. We need a way to become righteous inside so that we can live the kind of life God desires. In short, we need transformation. Continue reading

Biblical Salvation: Righteousness from God to Save Us from the Penalty of Sin

Salvation - Sin debt forgivenImagine for a moment that you owe someone a staggering amount of money—let’s say a billion dollars. There is no way that you would ever be able to pay it off. In order for you to be rescued from this predicament, a very wealthy and generous person would have to pay it for you.

Of course, the sin debt we owe to God is not monetary, but moral. Nevertheless, the principle is the same. No amount of good deeds on our part would be sufficient to atone for our sins. We need a Savior whose righteousness far exceeds our own. Continue reading

Biblical Salvation: Two Problems God Had to Solve

Salvation - Two problems solvedWhat’s the best way to learn how to spot counterfeit currency? By becoming thoroughly familiar with the real thing. Likewise, before we discuss the Watchtower salvation system with Jehovah’s Witnesses, we need to make sure we have a solid understanding of what the Bible actually teaches. Continue reading

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