Category: The Nature of God (page 7 of 9)

The Watchtower Wrongly Asserts That Certain Teachings Are Obvious

Twisting Obvious FallacyThe “obvious fallacy” occurs when “words like absolutely, undoubtedly, certainly, it is only reasonable to conclude and so forth are substituted for logical reasons.”[1]

Using such words or phrases isn’t always wrong, but we need to be careful to examine whether they are being used as a substitute for evidence and logic.

Here are three examples from Watchtower literature. Continue reading

The Watchtower Confuses Definitions

Twisting Confused Definition“Confused definition” means, “A biblical term is misunderstood in such a way that an essential biblical doctrine is distorted or rejected.”[1]       

Let’s look at several Watchtower examples.

I won’t go into detail refuting each one. Rather, my goal will be to identify them so you will know the sort of thing to look out for. Continue reading

The Watchtower Collapses Contexts

Twisting Collapsing ContextUsing a reductio ad absurdum, Walter Martin demonstrated how, by collapsing contexts, we can make the Bible seem to teach anything:

  • Matthew 27:5: “[Judas]… went and hanged himself.”
  • Luke 10:37: “You go, and do likewise.”
  • John 13:27: “What you are going to do, do quickly.”

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The Watchtower’s Twisted Translation Regarding Jesus

Twisting Translation Jesus“Twisted translation” can be defined as follows: “The biblical text is retranslated, not in accordance with sound Greek scholarship, to fit the preconceived teachings of a cult.”[1]    

The Watchtower publishes its own version of the Bible, calling it “New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.” Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it to be the best translation of the Bible available. It is the only one they will really trust.

Unfortunately, key passages have been mistranslated in order to support Watchtower theology. Continue reading

“No Man Hath Seen God At Any Time”

No Man Has Seen GodIn arguing against the deity of Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses sometimes cite John 1:18: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” (KJV)

The Watchtower’s argument essentially is as follows:

  1. No man has seen God at any time.
  2. Men have seen Jesus.
  3. Therefore, Jesus cannot be God.[1]

Let’s consider how to answer them using some soundbites. Continue reading

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