Category: Faith and Works (page 2 of 5)

Supposed Requirements of Prayer

Bible teach Ch 17

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

Paragraph 2 (p. 164) states, “If we want Jehovah to listen to our prayers…we must pray to him in the way that he approves.”

Although a Christian wouldn’t disagree with that statement, I’m struck by how much of the Watchtower’s teachings are phrased like provisions of a law code.

For example, paragraph 5 (p. 166) says, “For our prayers to be favorably heard by God… we must meet some basic requirements.” Continue reading

The Focus—Jesus or Us and Our Works?

Bible teach Ch 15

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

You may recall that in an earlier post, I wrote, “Watchtower study books repeat a number of points in the various chapters, so you may also have to repeat some points in various contexts or during several different sessions in order to get across your thoughts to the Witnesses. That’s fine, but don’t alienate them by beating a dead horse.”

That advice is especially applicable to this chapter.

Chapter 15—“Worship That God Approves”—doesn’t contain any new doctrinal teachings. Instead, it brings together things the book has already taught in an effort to convince you that the Watchtower religion is the only true religion and that you should join it.

So as you go through the chapter with the Witnesses, you’ll need to consider which points you have adequately challenged in your earlier discussions and which require reinforcement. Continue reading

The Flesh Can’t Cure the Flesh

Bible teach Ch 13

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

Chapter 13, “A Godly View of Life,” continues the Watchtower’s emphasis on law and works.

Paragraph 2 (p. 125) states, “…to enjoy life to the full, we need to learn God’s laws and obey them.”

I recommend that you show the Witnesses Bible passages which emphasize that righteousness comes by walking in the Spirit, not by self-effort in trying to keep the law. Continue reading

Dealing with Specific “Commandments”

Bible teach Ch 12

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

“Bible Teach,” Chapter 12, paragraph 17 (p. 121) emphasizes the importance of obeying Jehovah’s commandments. Paragraph 18 (p.121) refers you to a box entitled “Shun What Jehovah Hates” (p. 122). The list includes the following:

  • Spiritism
  • Participation in wars or political controversies of this world
  • Misuse of blood
  • Use of tobacco or so-called recreational drugs

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The Relationship of Faith and Works

Bible teach Ch 12

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

Chapter 12 of “Bible Teach”—“Living in a Way that Pleases God”—is a continuation of the Watchtower’s works-oriented “prove your dedication to God” salvation system.

In dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses, it’s important for us to acknowledge the importance of obedience and good works in the Christian life.

That said, we also need to get across to them the Bible’s teachings:

  • That good works have no role in saving us
  • That without a transforming new birth, none of us can live up to God’s righteous standards.

For these reasons, I recommend that you respond to the contents of this chapter by using a combination of The Faith and Works Approach and The New Birth Approach from my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways.

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