Tag: Matthew 6:9

Did Jesus Address His Prayers to Jehovah?

In an effort to convince you that we should call God “Jehovah,” the Jehovah’s Witnesses may tell you that God’s name “was clearly of crucial importance to him [Jesus] since he mentioned it repeatedly in his own prayers.” (The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, p. 3) Continue reading

Is It Wrong to Pray to Jesus?

Because the Watchtower teaches that Jesus isn’t God, it also teaches that we must not pray to him, but only to the Father through Jesus. Continue reading

Supposed Requirements of Prayer

Bible teach Ch 17

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

Paragraph 2 (p. 164) states, “If we want Jehovah to listen to our prayers…we must pray to him in the way that he approves.”

Although a Christian wouldn’t disagree with that statement, I’m struck by how much of the Watchtower’s teachings are phrased like provisions of a law code.

For example, paragraph 5 (p. 166) says, “For our prayers to be favorably heard by God… we must meet some basic requirements.” Continue reading

Must We Pray to Jehovah by Name?

Praying HandsJehovah’s Witnesses stress the importance of knowing and using the divine name, “Jehovah.”

They will tell you that Jesus believed the name “Jehovah” was of critical importance, and therefore we should also. The Watchtower asks, “How important is God’s name? Consider the model prayer that Jesus Christ gave. It begins this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.’ (Matthew 6:9) Later, Jesus prayed to God: ‘Father, glorify your name.’ In response, God spoke from heaven, saying: ‘I both glorified it and will glorify it again.’ (John 12:28) Clearly, God’s name is of the utmost importance.”[1] 

Witnesses may also claim that God’s name “was clearly of crucial importance to him [Jesus] since he mentioned it repeatedly in his own prayers.”[2] 

Here is a good soundbite response: “Could you please show me one passage where Jesus begins one of his prayers by saying by addressing God as ‘Jehovah.’” Continue reading

Must We Call God “Jehovah”?

Graphic of the names Jehovah, Yaweh, Lord, God, YHWHI never try to talk Jehovah’s Witnesses out of calling God “Jehovah.” The problem is that the Watchtower claims that we must use that name and address him as “Jehovah” whenever we pray to him.

But is that really true? Continue reading

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