Tag: Matthew 14:28-30

Did Jesus Address His Prayers to Jehovah?

In an effort to convince you that we should call God “Jehovah,” the Jehovah’s Witnesses may tell you that God’s name “was clearly of crucial importance to him [Jesus] since he mentioned it repeatedly in his own prayers.” (The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, p. 3) Continue reading

The Divine Name Approach: Watchtower Claims #1-#2

Key Scripture: “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11)

The objective of The Divine Name Approach is to show Jehovah’s Witnesses that, while it is fine to refer to God as “Jehovah,” it is not necessary. In fact, in the New Testament the name that is above every other name is “Jesus.” Continue reading

Must We Call God “Jehovah” in Order to Have Intimacy with Him?

TetragrammatonThe Watchtower insists that we must use the name “Jehovah” in order to have an intimate relationship with God.

It states: “In replacing God’s name with titles, Bible translators make a serious mistake. They make God seem remote and impersonal, whereas the Bible urges humans to cultivate ‘intimacy with Jehovah.’ (Psalms 25:14) Think of an intimate friend of yours. How close would you really be if you never learned your friend’s name? Similarly, when people are kept in ignorance about God’s name, Jehovah, how can they become truly close to God?”[i]

Here’s how to answer them. Continue reading

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