Tag: John 6:37

Can We Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus?

Jehovah’s Witnesses have no personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rather than coming directly to Jesus for salvation, Witnesses rely on their dedication and service to the organization they think he has chosen to represent him on earth—the Watchtower Society.

Many years ago, I heard a talk by Arnold Hoffman in which he recommended a devotional approach which focuses attention on the Witnesses’ need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I give details of the approach in The Come to Jesus Approach (Chapter 7 of my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Today, I’ll give you the highlights. Continue reading

Bible Commands to Come to Jesus

One of the most effective passages with regard to coming to Jesus for forgiveness is John 5:39-40. Have one of the Witnesses read aloud Jesus’ statement to the Pharisees: “You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” Ask the Witnesses to explain to you what mistake Jesus said the Pharisees were making. Pray silently that they will realize that they are making the exact same mistake. Continue reading

Biblical Salvation: Righteousness from God to Save Us from the Penalty of Sin

Salvation - Sin debt forgivenImagine for a moment that you owe someone a staggering amount of money—let’s say a billion dollars. There is no way that you would ever be able to pay it off. In order for you to be rescued from this predicament, a very wealthy and generous person would have to pay it for you.

Of course, the sin debt we owe to God is not monetary, but moral. Nevertheless, the principle is the same. No amount of good deeds on our part would be sufficient to atone for our sins. We need a Savior whose righteousness far exceeds our own. Continue reading

Connect Jehovah’s Witnesses with Jesus: Obeying Jehovah

You refuse to comeBecause Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jehovah is the ultimate authority, the key to this relational approach is to present the plan of salvation as a command of Jehovah.

Jehovah’s Witnesses need to see that Jehovah wants them to come to Jesus to get their sins forgiven. They need to know that they are obeying Jehovah God if they come to Jesus for forgiveness and that they are disobeying Jehovah God if they don’t. This is the core of the approach. If your encounter with the Witnesses is a one-time meeting or if you sense that the Witnesses you are talking to are ready for it, concentrate on this point. Continue reading

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