Tag: Hebrews 1:3

Could God Have Sent Successors if Jesus Failed?

According to the Watchtower, Jesus was “a perfect man—nothing more, nothing less—and the exact counterpart of the once perfect Adam.” (The Watchtower, “Appreciating the Salvation of Our God,” 8/1/73, p. 465)

Adam was created perfect and sinless and placed in a garden paradise, yet in a short time he failed miserably.

Jesus was born into a sin-infested world.

If, as the Watchtower claims, Jesus wasn’t God in human flesh, there would be constant risks that he might fail as well. Continue reading

How to Combat Proof Texting and Bible Hopscotching About the Deity of Christ

“Proof texting is the method by which a person appeals to a biblical text to prove or justify a theological position without regard for the context of the passage they are citing.” (Theopedia)

Bible hopscotching is jumping from one part of the Bible to another or one topic to another without taking time to examine anything in detail.

Here is an example of both, taken from Watchtower argumentation against the deity of Christ, which appears on page 203 of its book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #5-9

Last week we looked at four arguments the Watchtower makes against the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Today we will continue with 5 more such arguments and how to answer them. Continue reading

“No Man Hath Seen God At Any Time”

No Man Has Seen GodIn arguing against the deity of Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses sometimes cite John 1:18: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” (KJV)

The Watchtower’s argument essentially is as follows:

  1. No man has seen God at any time.
  2. Men have seen Jesus.
  3. Therefore, Jesus cannot be God.[1]

Let’s consider how to answer them using some soundbites. Continue reading

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