The Watchtower doesn’t believe that Jesus had a soul which could go to heaven when he died.
That’s because it doesn’t believe that any human being has a soul.
Rather, human beings are souls. Continue reading
The Watchtower doesn’t believe that Jesus had a soul which could go to heaven when he died.
That’s because it doesn’t believe that any human being has a soul.
Rather, human beings are souls. Continue reading
Sometimes Jehovah’s Witnesses will ask you for your interpretation of the rich man and Lazarus passage (Luke 16:19-31). If they give you this opportunity, I suggest making the following points: Continue reading
Chapter 6, “Where Are the Dead?”, begins (heading, p. 57) with several questions, one of which is, “Would it be comforting to know the truth about death?”
My answer would be, “Maybe, or it could be terrifying!” Continue reading
When discussing what happens after death, the Watchtower is selective in the texts it examines. Rather than looking at all verses that bear on the matter of conscious existence after death, it ignores passages that don’t support its doctrine. Draw these passages to their attention and ask for their explanation. Continue reading
Although Christians believe that people have souls that survive physical death, this is not the resurrection. The resurrection will be a reuniting of soul and body that will take place in the end times.
So far as we know, no one other than Jesus Christ has been resurrected yet.
The Watchtower disagrees. Continue reading
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