Category: Watchtower Signature Issues (page 1 of 12)

Is Jesus the Mediator Only for the 144,000?

If you ask a Jehovah’s Witness, “Is Jesus your mediator?” almost all of them will indignantly answer, “Of course!”

They don’t know that the Watchtower teaches the opposite—that Jesus is only the mediator for a special group of 144,000 of them known as “spirit anointed” or “spiritual Israel.” Continue reading

Is the New Covenant Only for the 144,000?

Jehovah’s Witnesses observe “The Memorial” (also called “The Lord’s Evening Meal”) once a year.

The Watchtower describes it as “an observance that honors God.” (What Does the Bible Really Teach?, p. 206)

But a number of ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses call it, “The Reject Jesus Party” because at the vast majority of Kingdom Halls, no one actually partakes of the bread or wine.

They just pass the tray and cup on by.

Symbolically, they are testifying, “I have no part in the body and blood of Christ.” Continue reading

Must We Call God “Jehovah” To Be Saved?

The Watchtower claims that using the name “Jehovah” is a salvation issue. In fact, its Bible translation renders Romans 10:13 as follows: “For ‘everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’”

It notes that this verse is quoting from Joel 2:32, an Old Testament verse in which the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) appears in the Hebrew when referring to God.

The Watchtower has stated, “The evidence from God’s Word is therefore conclusive that God indeed has a name and that it is important for life seekers to know it and to use it. Doubting that God has a name is much more foolish than doubting that you have a name.” (The Watchtower, “What Is the Name?” 7/15/64, p. 422)

In response, ask the Witnesses to look up Romans 10:13 in the Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation. Continue reading

Does Jesus Require Door to Door Preaching?

If there is one thing people know about Jehovah’s Witnesses, it’s that nearly all of them witness door-to-door on a regular basis.

A number of former Jehovah’s Witness elders who left the Watchtower have stated publicly that the number of hours a Witness reported was the primary measure of spirituality and the deciding factor in whether they would be offered a position of responsibility in the congregation.

I will vigorously defend the right of Jehovah’s Witnesses to proselytize from house to house (so long as they respectfully take no for an answer and leave), but why does the Watchtower insist that all of them do so and, in practice, make it a test of spirituality? Continue reading

Is Jesus’ Name Secondary to Jehovah’s?

Regarding Jehovah, the Watchtower says, “His is the greatest name in all the universe.” (The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah—How?,  p. 7)

In 2001, it published a tract entitled “The Greatest Name” in which it exclaimed: “What a wonderful privilege to know the greatest name, to testify to it, and to cleave to it!” (p. 6)

It claims that “to Christians it is the name of the Father of Jesus Christ and is the greatest name in the universe.” (The Watchtower, “Take Care Not to Belittle the Name of Jehovah!”, 9/15/64, p. 566)

It places Jesus in second place: “The name of Jesus Christ ranks second to that of the Most High God, Jehovah.” (The Watchtower, “Like Dew from God and like a Lion Among Nations”, 1/15/62, p. 49) Continue reading

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