Category: The Nature of God (page 2 of 9)

Is Jehovah the Father Only?

This post isn’t about how to prove the doctrine of the Trinity (or the deity of Christ) to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Rather, it’s about overcoming the language barrier so that at least Jehovah’s Witnesses understand what you are and aren’t saying. Continue reading

Refuting Modalism

A key Watchtower doctrine, and the source of many of its misconceptions about the nature of Jesus, is this: The Watchtower does not believe the doctrine of the Trinity.

It has a unitarian theology, teaching that only the Father is God, that only the Father is Jehovah.

On page 405 of its book Reasoning from the Scriptures, it explains the Trinity doctrine as follows: “… there are three divine persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God.”

So far so good, but then it goes on to say, “Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists.”

This last statement doesn’t describe Trinitarianism at all; it’s a short description of a heresy known as “modalism.” Continue reading

The Holy Spirit is God

Contrary to the Watchtower’s teaching, the Bible clearly says that the Holy Spirit is God himself. Continue reading

Refuting Watchtower “Impersonal Force” Arguments

The Watchtower makes a number of further arguments in support of its teaching that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force rather than a person. Here is how to respond to them. Continue reading

The Holy Spirit Has a Personality

Last week, we looked at verses which show that the Holy Spirit speaks using first person singular pronouns.

Today, we look at further Bible evidence that the Holy Spirit is a person. Continue reading

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