David Englund, , Page 21">

Author: David Englund (page 21 of 92)

The New Birth Provides an Inner Transformation

In last week’s post, I made the following points:

  1. If Jesus’ statement to Nicodemus about the need to be born again was a totally new teaching that 144,000 people would receive spirit bodies when they die and go to heaven (which the Watchtower says he meant), he wouldn’t have expected Nicodemus to understand that already.
  2. Yet in John 3:10 Jesus chided Nicodemus because he didn’t understand was Jesus meant by the new birth or his need to have this experience.
  3. Therefore, Jesus must have meant something quite different what the Watchtower says.
  4. Jesus was indicating that all human beings need a spiritual rebirth, an inner transformation by the Holy Spirit, in order to meet Jehovah’s righteous standards.
  5. That’s something he would expect an Old Testament scholar like Nicodemus to understand.

If you make such a claim, most likely Jehovah’s Witnesses will ask you why you think an Old Testament scholar would understand such a thing. Take them to two Old Testament passages that teach this. (p. 131) Continue reading

The New Birth Approach

Key Scripture: “In reply Jesus declared, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again’.” (John 3:3)

 The objective of The New Birth Approach is to show Jehovah’s Witnesses that the new birth involves an inner transformation of a person by the Holy Spirit and is the only way by which anyone can obtain eternal life.

 The challenge

 If the Watchtower’s two-class salvation system were only a matter of location—whether all Christians will go to heaven or whether most of them will live forever in paradise on earth—the topic would be of little practical significance. However, because of the Watchtower’s erroneous teachings, the vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the new birth and the new covenant are not for them. Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #10-11

For the last 2 weeks, we have been looking at some of the Watchtower’s arguments against the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Today we will look at the final two arguments. Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #5-9

Last week we looked at four arguments the Watchtower makes against the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Today we will continue with 5 more such arguments and how to answer them. Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #1-4

The Watchtower presents many arguments against the bodily resurrection of Christ.

It’s not possible in “key points” blog posts to go into the same detail as the chapter itself. Instead, I’ll give you thumbnail sketches of what I consider to be their best arguments against the bodily resurrection and give you good ways to respond. Continue reading

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