David Englund, , Page 15">

Author: David Englund (page 15 of 94)

The Watchtower Chameleon

The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses simultaneously adopts two contradictory personas—one to establish its right to demand constant obedience and trust from all Jehovah’s Witnesses and the other to defend itself against criticism when it is proven to be wrong about something.

Persona #1: The “faithful and discreet slave” of Matthew 24:45—chosen by Jehovah and Jesus to be the sole dispenser of spiritual truth in these latter days.

Persona #2: Humble Christian brothers who do not claim to be inspired, infallible, or perfect.

Let’s look first at Persona #1. Continue reading

Taking the Initiative in Connecting with Jehovah’s Witnesses

There are a number of situations in which you can engage in Bible discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses even if you’ve had no previous contact with them. Continue reading

Helping Studies and Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses

Many people who won’t be coming to your door have been greatly influenced by the Watchtower.

Some are studying with them. Still others have left the Watchtower organization, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

Please take the initiative in talking with them and trying to reach them for Christ. Continue reading

Connecting with Current Jehovah’s Witnesses

The next time Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door will you hide behind the curtain and pretend you’re not home? Will you open the door but tell them, “No thank you. I have my own religion” and send them on their way? Or will you see them as people for whom Christ died, invite them in, and share the gospel with them using the approaches you have learned? Continue reading

Responding to Watchtower Defenses Regarding Prophecy

The Watchtower has trained Jehovah’s Witnesses in how to respond to accusations that it is a false prophet. Here are its defenses, along with my suggested responses. Continue reading

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