Tag: John 5:22-23 (page 1 of 2)

Can We Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus?

Jehovah’s Witnesses have no personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rather than coming directly to Jesus for salvation, Witnesses rely on their dedication and service to the organization they think he has chosen to represent him on earth—the Watchtower Society.

Many years ago, I heard a talk by Arnold Hoffman in which he recommended a devotional approach which focuses attention on the Witnesses’ need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I give details of the approach in The Come to Jesus Approach (Chapter 7 of my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Today, I’ll give you the highlights. Continue reading

Must We Call God “Jehovah” To Be Saved?

The Watchtower claims that using the name “Jehovah” is a salvation issue. In fact, its Bible translation renders Romans 10:13 as follows: “For ‘everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’”

It notes that this verse is quoting from Joel 2:32, an Old Testament verse in which the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) appears in the Hebrew when referring to God.

The Watchtower has stated, “The evidence from God’s Word is therefore conclusive that God indeed has a name and that it is important for life seekers to know it and to use it. Doubting that God has a name is much more foolish than doubting that you have a name.” (The Watchtower, “What Is the Name?” 7/15/64, p. 422)

In response, ask the Witnesses to look up Romans 10:13 in the Watchtower’s Kingdom Interlinear Translation. Continue reading

Can Someone Besides God Forgive Sins?

In Matthew 9:2, Jesus told a man, “Your sins are forgiven.”

The Jewish leaders were outraged. Mark 2:7 tells us that they reasoned, “Why is this man talking this way? He is blaspheming. Who can forgive sins except one, God?

Here’s a great question to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses:

If—as the Watchtower teaches—Jesus isn’t God—what right did he have to do that? Continue reading

Is It Wrong to Worship Jesus?

On page 148 of its book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, the Watchtower succinctly states its position regarding worship: “Jesus declared: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’ (Matthew 4:10) Thus, God’s servants’ worship no one other than Jehovah.”

Because the Watchtower believes only the Father is Jehovah and that Jesus is a lesser, created being, it is adamant that we must not worship Jesus. Continue reading

The Most Highly Exalted Name is “Jesus”

When you discuss the divine name with Jehovah’s Witnesses, ask them if they will allow you to show them scriptures which stress the overriding importance of Jesus’ name—not Jehovah’s—because you’d like to hear their take on that. Continue reading

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