Tag: 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Is Jesus the Mediator Only for the 144,000?

If you ask a Jehovah’s Witness, “Is Jesus your mediator?” almost all of them will indignantly answer, “Of course!”

They don’t know that the Watchtower teaches the opposite—that Jesus is only the mediator for a special group of 144,000 of them known as “spirit anointed” or “spiritual Israel.” Continue reading

Why Not Create a Second Adam Out of the Dust?

As we have seen in previous posts, the Watchtower insists that “the ransom sacrifice” had to be provided by “a perfect man—nothing more, nothing less—and the exact counterpart of the once perfect Adam.” Only this way could Jesus give “‘himself a corresponding ransom for all,’ that is, for all of sinner Adam’s imperfect offspring. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6).” (The Watchtower, “Appreciating the Salvation of Our God,” 8/1/73, p. 465)

On page 50 of its book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, the Watchtower states its position:

How did Jehovah provide the ransom? He sent one of his perfect spirit sons to the earth. But Jehovah did not send just any spirit creature. He sent the one most precious to him, his only-begotten Son.” (Read 1 John 4:9, 10). Willingly, this Son left his heavenly home. (Philippians 2:7) As we learned in the preceding chapter of this book, Jehovah performed a miracle when he transferred the life of this Son to the womb of Mary. By means of God’s holy spirit, Jesus was born as a perfect human and was not under the penalty of sin.—Luke 1:35.

As I noted last week, the clear implication of this statement is that Jehovah could have chosen one of any number of obedient angels to come as a man and make the atonement (“ransom”) for our sins.

Today, I’ll go even further. Continue reading

Was There an Incarnation?

The Watchtower does not believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

That’s not surprising, given that it doesn’t believe in the deity of Christ. Continue reading

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