Category: Authority — Bible vs. Organization (page 3 of 4)

The Watchtower Rejects Biblical Authority Regarding God’s Foreknowledge

Twisting Rejecting Authority on ForeknowledgeAs a reminder of the definition from last week, a person or organization commits the error of rejecting biblical authority when “either the Bible as a whole or texts from the Bible are examined and rejected because they do not appear to agree with reason or other revelation.”[1] 

Admittedly, the issue of God’s foreknowledge is a very difficult one, even for the most brilliant of theologians. The conflicting views are still being debated and refined to this day.

The Watchtower has staked out a rather extreme position on this issue, based on what it considers to be fair and just. Continue reading

The Watchtower Rejects Biblical Authority Regarding Hell

Twisting Rejecting Authority on HellA person or organization commits the error of rejecting biblical authority when, “either the Bible as a whole or texts from the Bible are examined and rejected because they do not appear to agree with reason or other revelation.”[1]                   

The Watchtower’s rejection of biblical authority is never explicit. The Watchtower will never say directly, “The Bible is wrong about that.” Its teaching is that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

But its founder, Charles Taze Russell, set the pattern for the organization by starting with his own reasoning and emotions and then misinterpreting the Bible to teach what he was convinced was true.

The first doctrine of Christendom he rejected was “hellfire.” He wouldn’t send anyone to such a place. How could God? Continue reading

Esoteric Watchtower Interpretations

Twisting Esoteric InterpretationsThe esoteric interpretation error may be defined as follows: “Under the assumption that the Bible contains a hidden, esoteric meaning which is open only to those who are initiated into its secrets, the interpreter declares the significance of biblical passages without giving much if any explanation for his or her interpretation.”[1]   

The first part of the definition refers to “the assumption that the Bible contains a hidden, esoteric meaning which is open only to those who are initiated into its secrets.”

Throughout its history, the Watchtower has claimed to be the only organization in the last days that truly understands the Bible and serves as Jehovah’s channel of communication to the world (emphasis added in quotations). Continue reading

Why Study Galatians with Jehovah’s Witnesses?

I recommend that you try to get the Witnesses to lead you in a study of the New Testament book of Galatians. Why that particular book? Continue reading

What If They Refuse?

Previously, I have discussed the advantages of having a genuine Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses—that is a verse-by-verse study of an actual book of the Bible rather than a Watchtower publication.

Why might Witnesses refuse to participate in such a study? First, they have never been taught how to do it. Second, the Watchtower teaches that no one can properly understand the Bible without the Watchtower organization to explain it to them.

So what do you do if the Witnesses flatly refuse to agree to an inductive study using the Bible alone? Continue reading

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