David Englund, ">

Author: David Englund (page 1 of 94)

Did Jesus Go Out of Existence?

In the mind of Jehovah’s Witnesses, because Jesus died, Jesus can’t be God.

The substance of the Watchtower’s argument can be expressed in a simple syllogism:

  1. When Jesus died, he went out of existence.
  2. If Jesus was God, then God went out of existence.

Where have they gone wrong?  Continue reading

Die God Die?

The Watchtower has stated: “The majority of Christendom’s churches say that there are three persons in one God, that he is, as it were, a “three-headed” God. They teach that when Jesus died, God died.” (The Watchtower, “Are the Churches Leading the Nations Into Collision With God?”, 10/15/71, p. 627)

It’s clear that the Watchtower is trying to make the concept of the deity of Christ appear absurd.

Before we respond to the substance of the Watchtower’s argument, let’s address two threshold challenges. Continue reading

Was Jesus’ Spirit an Impersonal Force?

As Jesus was dying, he “called with a loud voice and said: ‘Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.’ When he had said this, he expired.” (Luke 23:46, Watchtower translation)

Doesn’t that show that Jesus’ spirit was an immaterial part of him which survived physical death and went immediately to be with His Father?

Not according to the Watchtower: Continue reading

Did Jesus Have a Soul?

The Watchtower doesn’t believe that Jesus had a soul which could go to heaven when he died.

That’s because it doesn’t believe that any human being has a soul.

Rather, human beings are souls. Continue reading

Is Jesus the Mediator Only for the 144,000?

If you ask a Jehovah’s Witness, “Is Jesus your mediator?” almost all of them will indignantly answer, “Of course!”

They don’t know that the Watchtower teaches the opposite—that Jesus is only the mediator for a special group of 144,000 of them known as “spirit anointed” or “spiritual Israel.” Continue reading

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