Category: Death and Resurrection (page 1 of 10)

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #10-11

For the last 2 weeks, we have been looking at some of the Watchtower’s arguments against the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Today we will look at the final two arguments. Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #5-9

Last week we looked at four arguments the Watchtower makes against the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Today we will continue with 5 more such arguments and how to answer them. Continue reading

Bodily Resurrection: Answering Watchtower Arguments #1-4

The Watchtower presents many arguments against the bodily resurrection of Christ.

It’s not possible in “key points” blog posts to go into the same detail as the chapter itself. Instead, I’ll give you thumbnail sketches of what I consider to be their best arguments against the bodily resurrection and give you good ways to respond. Continue reading

The Bodily Resurrection Approach

Key Scripture: “See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; feel me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you see that I have’.” (Luke 24:39, Watchtower’s translation).

The objective of The Bodily Resurrection Approach is to refute the Watchtower’s two-class, two-paths-to-salvation system by showing that all Christians will be raised from the dead—as Jesus was—in a glorified physical body of flesh and bones. Continue reading

Our Need for Inner Transformation

Bible teach Ch 19

Click image to access this “Bible Teach” chapter on the Watchtower’s website

“Bible Teach”, Chapter 19, paragraph 7 (p. 186) says, “As described in the Bible, love for God is much more than a feeling… The Bible teaches: ‘This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.’ (1 John 5:3). To be genuine, love for God must bear fine fruit. It must be expressed in actions.”

What the Watchtower fails to understand is that none of this is possible without the inner transformation provided by the new birth (see The New Birth Approach from my book, Getting Through to Jehovah’s Witnesses: Approaching Bible Discussions in Unexpected Ways, pp. 131-133).

You can drive the point home by asking the Witnesses to tell you honestly how they think they are doing at keeping all of Jehovah’s commandments. Are they certain if they died tonight that Jehovah would consider them worthy to be resurrected? Continue reading

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